Saturday, February 16, 2013

Winter Fun!

Hello! Sam and I have been having some fun playing, and we FINALLY got to go sledding last weekend.

First I have some random pictures of us...
Sam looking old.
Brothers! This was pre-haircut for both of us. We both really needed one!

Post haircut. Sam is a little boy again!

Mommy took us to McDonald's the day after Daddy had his wisdom teeth out so that he could have a quiet house. We went to storytime at the library too. What fun! I made a friend at the play area at McDonalds and Sam loved climbing the steps.

Relaxing on the couch...

Now, on to sledding.
Here is Sam all ready to go outside...


My attempt  at taking Sam down. He was not impressed with the whole thing.

Being silly. Uncle Jay was there so I had to be a ham!

This was Sam's favorite part by far! Hot chocolate!


Thanks for stopping!