Saturday, May 18, 2013

It's almost SUMMER!

Well, I am a little behind on blogging! I'm going to talk about last weekend, while this one is over half over. 

Here is Sam wearing sandals for the first time. What ARE these HOLES?!

Grandpa Rikli found me this bike at a garage sale. It is PERFECT for me. It's close to the ground so I'm not scared, and I am really getting the hang of the whole pedaling thing.

Sam thinks he has it figured out too!

Sam is one cool dude!

Last Friday night we got to go to the Kalahari to play in the waterpark. Grandma and Grandpa Hyland had a conference there so we got to play for free! We had SOOOO much fun! Sam got really tired after about an hour as you can tell from the pictures of him. Unfortunately, Mommy didn't have her camera at the beginning so we don't have any of Sam in the water or of me going down the slides. :(

Braving the waves with Grandma Hyland...

So sleepy...

Still sleepy with Grandma...

Well, now we both had a treat so Sam got a burst of energy. He had fun playing with Grandpa on these chairs. I did too, but I was losing steam pretty quickly from going non-stop for over 2 hours in the water.

Saturday, I got to go to Natalie's 2nd birthday party with Mommy. We went swimming and went to Natalie's house for dinner and cake. Even though I was the oldest kid, I had a lot of fun! Sam was too worn out to make it from the night before, but he would have had fun too!

Sunday, we celebrated Mother's Day with Grandma Hyland and Great-Grandma (and Mommy too).

Sam is always so happy when he gets to go outside! 

This past week was my last week of school. Wednesday we had a fun day and picnic so Mom and Dad came to the big kid school with me (Sam stayed with Grandma Rikli). I got a mustache painted on me that I was VERY proud of.

Here I am with my wonderful teacher! I am going to miss her!

And here I am with my girlfriend, Babette (I called her Fabette the whole year, not sure why because I knew her name was Babette, and I could pronounce it...hmmmm)

Being silly with Daddy...

Stopping for a picture with Mommy...

Tomorrow I get to go to our neighbors' 4 year birthday party. It is my first birthday party for someone my age, and it is a superhero theme. I am pretty darn excited!

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