Monday, December 16, 2013

Brunch with Santa, Grandpa's Birthday and Sledding!

This past weekend, we had a busy day on Saturday. It was the annual Brunch with Santa at St. Victor's! Here I am waiting for brunch. It was yummy!

Sam was a little unsure of everything at first (hence the Nuk). By the time he got to the games though, Mommy was wishing he were a little more unsure!

Santa is walking through the room! Not sure what to think.

Love my face in this one. Santa, Mrs Claus and the elves were all walking right by me!

After eating, it was time for the games. I LOVE this part!

Sam really got into the games. Mommy was exhausted chasing him around. He loved this basketball game, and his form looks great, but he never even came close to hitting the basket :)

When we got back to G&G's it was time to celebrate Grandpa's birthday. Sam and I had to help with the cake. Sam is always the first to get there! He won't miss out on any food prep.

Singing to Grandpa. Sam was into the first part of the song, but then he decided the candles needed to be blown out before the song was officially over :)

Grandpa always lets me "help" open presents. I had to share that duty a bit more with Sam this year, but I dealt ok with that.

This was a funny card!

After birthday celebration, we had to take our first try at sledding for the season. There wasn't really much snow on the ground, but the sleds went the best they ever have for us. I had so much fun! Sam did too. When he got to the bottom of the hill, he would look at Grandma and say "mo".

Both of us were a little lazy climbing the hill. Sam wanted to be carried, and I wanted to leave the sled at the bottom of the hill and have someone else go get it. Mommy said Sam and I have to work on our sledding skills a bit!

Uncle Jay was awesome as usual. He pushed us down the hill and pulled us down the hill...even though he didn't even have any boots on.

Mommy, Sam and ME on the sled. This was a tight ride!

What a fun day! Sunday, I went to Sunday School, and then G&G Rikli came over for supper. It was a GREAT weekend!

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