Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sledding? Maybe in 2015!

This past Sunday, the temperatures were above freezing so we were determined to try sledding again. We went to a smaller hill this time AND took Daddy, but Sam and I were still not digging the steep hill. Apparently, G&G Hyland's is the only hill we like :)  I went down with Daddy once, but you can see the snow spray in this picture that hit my face so I was done after one time.

Sam was walking around talking about a turkey that we saw on the ride there. He wouldn't go down the steep hill even once!

The other side of the hill was less steep so I went down that one by myself.

Daddy and I raced down. Look out for the tree, Daddy!

Daddy convinced Sam to go with him down a smaller hill. Sam had fun on that one.

Then we were done sledding and it was on to playing on the park toys.

They have a little "island" at this park too so we hiked around that, and I climbed this steep hill! Sam tried too, but he didn't quite make it.

Monday, Sam had his 2nd day of "school". I got to go along to drop off since I didn't have school for the holiday. Daddy warned me that Sam would cry when we left him, which he did. I was not liking that, and I had tears in my eyes when Daddy and I got back to the truck. I don't like to see my little brother unhappy. Sam made it through the 2 hours though and the teachers said he goes in phases of playing and participating and then bursting into tears for a little bit. For a boy who has only been around family and not been in a daycare setting, he is doing pretty well though. 

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