Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Jay and Amanda visit..and some misc.

Before we get to Jay and Amanda's visit, here are some random pictures from Mommy's phone...

Sam hanging out with Grandpa while I play super heroes with Grandma and Great Aunt Mary.

Look how tough we all are!

Grandpa took me on the lawnmower one of the last times I was there (and Sam again too). I got to "drive" it which I was very serious about.

This was in the car on the way to Mt. Olympus a couple weekends ago.

Daddy had to go to the doctor one afternoon so Mommy came home from work early and took us to the library for the program and then after supper took us to get our free ice cream cone at the coffee shop that I had won back at Halloween.

Blue ice cream for both me and Sam...I approve!

So does Sam!

Uncle Jay and Aunt Amanda came to visit on Saturday. Mommy and I went with them to the American Girl Sale (I did a really good job even though there wasn't anything there for me!) and then we met Sam and Daddy at the splash park for a picnic.

Here we are just playing at home...

Sam had no time for play...

Here I am waiting in line at the sale. Amanda let me play with her phone, which is much cooler than Mommy or Daddy's. I was pretty content doing that!

Splash park time!

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