Thursday, October 29, 2015

Halloween Wedding, Trunk or Treat and Fall!

We went to Daddy's cousin's wedding last weekend, and they had a Halloween theme so we all got to dress up. Here is one pair...Darth and the Emperor.

Here's an attempt at the other pair...Batman and Robin. Batman was too busy trying to save Gotham to pause for a picture.

Last Sunday our church had its annual Trunk or Treat. Sam decided to be a blue Power Ranger since his Batman costume was "itchy".

It was a beautiful day so we walked over to the park after trick or treating.

Then we had to head home for some fall cleanup. While we were raking leaves (ok, Mom did most of the work followed by Sam but I was there!),  a hot air balloon came right over our house! Sam and I were thrilled and both took pictures of it, waved to it, etc.

Fun weekend!

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