Monday, November 9, 2015

Halloween, Sam's Birthday and More!

Here are some of the fun things we have been up to the past couple of weekends.

We went to Kids in the Rotunda and saw The Madgadders. I really liked them. Sam wasn't as into it until he found a very comfy spot!

We did some trick or treating on Halloween! Sam only made it a few blocks and then wanted to go back and hand out candy with Daddy. I was out for a little over an hour with Mommy. Then we came home and watched Newsies!

This house always gets all decked out for Halloween. It is very cool!

Sunday we went to our annual Rocky Rococo pizza/movie day for NMB. The movie was The Descendants. I really liked it. Sam had to go to the bathroom about 4 times during the movie...not quite sure how many of those times were actually needed!

While we were eating pizza, Daddy was bringing home a buck he got.

We each had to pose with it too.

Mommy got to be snack helper in Sam's school. It was fun for Mommy to see Sam in his school setting and Sam was so happy the whole time.

The classroom got new fish, and Sam got to feed them since he was snack helper!

They had a fine motor station set up to put marbles in a glass vase. Mommy didn't get a great picture, but Sam was doing a good job!

Sam's birthday was on a Saturday this year so we got to have his party on his birthday!

Here he is with the raspberry cake he had requested. It didn't have pink raspberry frosting so he was a bit disappointed.

He did enjoy singing happy birthday to himself though!

He got a sharp-toothed excavator from G&G Rikli. He wanted one of these so bad because the flat ones without teeth just can't dig in the mud or dirt!

This is what I did while Sam opened presents.

Playing with his presents!

We had to get some leaves raked, and there were so many that I had Sam and Mommy bury me in the leaves.

Can you see me?

When I got bored with the leaves, I brought out my books from the library to read. :)

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