Saturday, April 10, 2021

Beginning of 2021

We kicked off 2021 much the same as most of 2020, at home and outside. We did Gingerbread houses after Christmas this year. Sam got into his and Joey wanted to decorate but not put one together.

We went to the woods to snowshoe, and Sam brought his sled. The boys found a good spot to try. 

Sam got a bow for Christmas and spent many days at the beginning of 2021 practicing.

Joey took Home Ec (they don't call it that, but it's like that) and sewed a monkey pillow. It was cute, and he enjoyed the sewing.

Sam always knows how to make a comfy spot.

Jay, Maebel and Linus came to stay at G&G's a couple  days so we came down to see them.

We got some snowshoeing in this year. We had some cold stretches so we didn't do as much as I would have liked, but we got out there!

John and Curt built Sam a new Lego table. He loves it! It is all set up now and completely covered with many scenes going on at any given time. 

Sam made some Valentine's for his grandparents...

We had a nice warm day and took a walk downtown to get some hot chocolate. 

Another visit to G&G's to see Maebel & Linus. 

Joey and I hid Easter eggs for 4 church families. We went to church at 5am and then went and hid them in the dark. We had a good time. 

Spring break came and the weekend before it hit was wonderful weather but then the week of was pretty awful. We made the most of the weekend with Saturday at G&G's and Sunday in the woods.

The boys practiced for turkey hunting a bit.

Monday was still kind of nice so we went to the Milwaukee Zoo. We hadn't been there in awhile and had a good time seeing everything. 

Sam and I were waiting in line for a building and we saw some turkeys in the area. Sam started doing turkey calls, and the people in line around us were commenting on how good he was. He does sound a lot like a turkey!

We did a scavenger hunt around Sun Prairie for Sam's school. It ended up being a car scavenger hunt since it was rainy and cool. 

We went to see Flight of Lights at the Madison Airport. They had some really cool displays. We made our own blizzards at home and then took them on the ride to go see the lights. 

Next up was Easter. Joey had a little trouble finding his basket. Sam found his right away since it had a big sand pail with it so the Easter Bunny had trouble finding a spot big enough to hide it at. 

We went to G&G's to have lunch and hunt for baskets and eggs. I didn't get a smiley picture of Sam, but he was very happy!

We got Linus and Maebel sunglasses and they seemed to like them!

The neighbors across the road from G&G were flying kites and invited us to come over and try it. It was the perfect day for kite flying. All of the kids had a ton of fun doing it. 

Sam got his kite up so high he had all the string out. Then it disconnected from the string holder, but luckily came down not too far away. 

Joey made a cake for Easter and Sam decorated it. It was supposed to be a bunny butt cake, but the paws all crumbled apart so it became more of an Easter Garden cake. 


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