Friday, April 9, 2021

Fall/Winter 2020

We celebrated Joey's birthday with a peanut butter chocolate cake, decorated by Sam. Joey loved it!

There was a fall event at the SP Farmers Market, and Sam and I decided to go. They had some fun, Covid appropriate activities and displays. 

We played Bingo in the church parking lot. Sam had the best spot with all of his friends in the trunk of the car. He was very happy. 

Joey was a little less comfortable, but still had a nice set up. 

We visited G&G for Jay and Joey's birthdays. 

Sam has spent a lot of time during Covid with his Legos. He prefers to play by himself and has many battles going on at any given time!

The Arfords came for a Halloween party. We had fun decorating pumpkins, doing a flashlight candy hunt and playing. They were impressed with all of the taxidermy at our house :)

Trick or treating was pretty low key this year. The Mandalorian and Baby Yoda went to a SP trick or treating event you could sign up for, and that was perfect!

Next up was Sam's birthday. We got him a virtual paint session where he got to paint Rico the porcupine from the Cincinnati Zoo. 

One of Sam's favorite things to do is come in our bed right before bedtime and be goofy, especially with his Dad. 

We celebrated Sam's birthday at a park with G&G Hyland and Uncle Jay & the kids. 

About a week and a half after Sam's birthday, we got hit with Covid. Sam got it first and had some cold-like symptoms. About 2 days after him, I got a fever so Sam and I went to get tested and tested positive. John got it the day after me, and Joey got a fever one afternoon but that was all he had for symptoms. John and I both lost our taste and smell and felt crummy for a few days. All things considered, we were very lucky. Thankfully we didn't give it to anyone else (at least that we know of). John had some lingering symptoms and even 4 months after there were still odd things with his lungs and taste/smell. 

Joey made a cake for youth group while we were isolating. He did it entirely on his own. 

Sam did some boat creation and testing for Library class and had fun with that. 

We got our first snow that stuck!

Joey and John and Curt went to Colorado for a youth elk hunt. Unfortunately out West they did not have the snow levels that they normally have during that time of year so Joey didn't get an elk. He had a great time getting attention from his Dad and Grandpa and getting to do some scouting out in Colorado.

Sam and I tried to do some fun things while they were gone. We went to the Madison Zoo (Fluffy had to come too).

Sam created a fun little reading spot for school.

We went to see the drive through Fire Truck lights in SP. It was really busy and we had to wait a long time, but it was worth it! The lights were cool and we were warm and toasty in the car.

Fluffy came along for that trip too. 

The boys shopped (online) for a toy for a kid in SP for Christmas. 

There were many snow wrestles this year. 

We made Christmas cutout cookies. 

This was a special fish cookie that Sam made out of the dough at the end. 

We had many Zoom meetings in 2020. This was for Grandpa's birthday. 

More Lego playing...

Joey had a virtual band concert. It was a fun idea!

Next up was Christmas! Sam got wet/dirty and had to borrow Grandma's shirt. He was very comfy, which is how Sam prefers to be. 

Bell got some presents too...

Sam and Mr. Pickles, Fluffy, Fluffy Jr. and hedgehog. 

Back home to see if Santa came. He did! 

Grandpa being silly...

Grandpa taking a picture of Sam being silly....

Christmas at G&G Hyland's house. Sam is catching up to Grandma!

Baby Yoda needs his dose of caffeine.

We missed getting the green chair pictures this year, but we got this good one of Jay & the grandkids!


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