Monday, November 18, 2013

Quiet Weekend

We had a quiet weekend! Not too much going on except for an Advent workshop at church for me and then Sunday School on Sunday. 

First, back to Monday of this week. Mommy was off work so Daddy could go hunting so G&G came up so we could go to the Children's Museum. WELL, the Children's Museum is CLOSED on Mondays! I told Mommy she should have checked on the computer :) We made the best of it and went to the Capitol instead. Sam and I were both impressed. Sam talked for several days about the "big bell" that was inside.

After the Capitol, we weren't quite ready to go home yet so we went to the Dream Bank. They didn't have a lot for kids to do when we went (they have events on the weekends we found out), but we got to paint on some TV screens which was pretty cool!

It also snowed on Monday for the first time that it stuck to the ground. I had to get all dressed up and go outside. It only lasted about 5 minutes though because I was pretty disappointed that there wasn't enough snow to do stuff with it!

 Saturday, at our church Advent workshop, I got to dress up as an angel, and then they took some pictures while they read the Christmas story. I got to be an angel. I REALLY wanted to be a shepherd since I thought that angels were girls, but there were more boy angels than girl angels and all the shepherds were girls (they did it by age).

 Can you see me peeking?

Then, we got to  make 2 crafts and have a snack. I had a great time!

Sunday, we stayed home almost all day to clean and organize part of the house. First up was my room and the living room. We made good head way! Next up, Sam's room!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sam's Birthday and MORE!

So this post is going to be a little random, but here we go!

Sam and I playing the piano. We are both pretty serious when we do this :)

I am in gymnastics class at the Y and love it! It is a 3-5 year old class so I am pretty much the biggest kid there, but it doesn't bother me at all. I wait patiently in line and listen (most of the time).

Pausing to show Daddy my moves.

Sam was being silly and made a bed out of the laundry basket. He almost doesn't fit!

We took advantage of a little warmer temperatures 2 weekends ago and went to the park. Sam still loves the car there.

All the boys. Mommy tried to get a good Fall picture :)

Daddy and Grandpa got new walkie talkies for the woods, so Sam and I had to test them out for them.

Sam had his birthday party Saturday the 9th. We did a morning party, and of course Sam woke up at 5:45 so he ended up napping from 8:15-10:15, but it ended up working well that he was well rested.

He got so many toys that fit his loves right now. Here he is fixing his new cement mixer with his new drill.

Random shot of Sam coloring. He is very serious about what he is doing.

He was a little overwhelmed with everything, but I helped him out. He did open some of his presents this year.

Showing Daddy Piltchard from Bob the Builder, or MEOW, as I call him.

Cake time. I had such a smug little face this whole time.

Sam really got into blowing out his candles!

Post-cake sugar shock!

Sam's favorite way to relax...stretched out on Daddy.

What a great birthday weekend!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Stats Update

Sam and I both had our annual Doctor visits this past week. I was 3'9" tall which is 86% and 45lbs which is 76%. I had to get some shots which I was brave for. I got the first one and got tears in my eyes and then got the second one and looked at Daddy and he told me it was ok to cry (so I did). I was proud about it afterward though and they didn't seem to bother me too much. Sam is 2'8" which is 40% and his weight is 25lb which is 62%. His head was 87% (Mommy didn't even realize they measured that....hmmm where was she when that happened?!). Sam didn't get any shots, but he did get the flu mist and then had to have a lead test done. He was kind of crazy during the doctor appointment trying to escape out the door and run down the hallway, but he wasn't crying like last time so that was a plus. When he had the lead test done, he sat on Mommy's lap and didn't make a peep or move the whole time. They pricked his finger and kept squeezing it to get more blood, and he just sat there. The nurse was amazed (and so were we). Hopefully neither Sam nor me will have to go back to the doctor for another year! I made it the whole year this year, but Sam had 2 visits to Urgent Care so we'll see!