We have so much to post/share in this one! The pictures are not in order since Mommy took them from the phone and camera, but I'll just roll with it!
We did the annual Easter egg hunt in Monroe. Sam got there first while I was at an Easter camp at G&G's church. He wouldn't go in though until I got there :)
I've been really into silly poses for the camera lately....
I took a nice picture with the Easter Bunny. Sam...said "no".
Sam and I have been playing alot with Matthew and Allie. Allie is still so good with Sam. They were having a picnic together. This year Sam is calling Allie, "Matt" so we are working on that!
Sam got into Daddy's hair cream one day. He also REALLY needed a haircut so it made for quite the hairstyle!
The library added some parts to their children's area. Since Sam won't sit and listen to storytime, he gets the play area pretty much to himself during that time (we think that might be one of the reasons he won't sit in it). Here he is putting on a puppet show...
Daddy got some corn cobs to feed the squirrels. Sam was obsessed with putting them out, moving them, watching the squirrels from inside when they got the corn, etc.
We've been trying out a lot of parks since the weather is finally getting better! Sam really liked this one that drums.
Ok, this got really out of order! Our picnic continued...
Mommy got to come be snack helper with me on April 17th. Here I am writing a story with Landon. I brought banana dolphins for a snack, and Mommy loved seeing me interact with the other kids. Being snack helper is a big deal so I got to sit in a rocking chair on the carpet and make some decisions and go first on some stuff.
While Mommy was cleaning up, I took pictures. It was pretty funny because in the area where we have pictures on the wall, I took pictures of the ones that I was in.
Another park!
This was the park we went to on Easter. We both would have stayed longer, but we had to get home for Sam's nap.
Take note of Sam's shirt. He threw a fit Easter morning of not wanting to do an egg hunt and he wanted to pick his own shirt. His choice? A reindeer with Christmas lights. He did enjoy the egg hunt then though so I guess it's ok if he mixes his holidays.
Sam and I both loved these spinning discs.
We did the Copps Easter Egg Hunt again this year. It was a little disappointing because they didn't hide nearly as many chocolate eggs as they usually do so some kids didn't get any. I gave some of my eggs to a girl who didn't get any. I did fine initially but then started crying. It was a good learning experience for me though :)
We celebrated Easter on Friday with G&G Rikli and then Saturday with G&G Hyland, Great-Grandma and Great-Aunt Mary and Uncle Jay and Aunt Amanda. First up, wrestling with Uncle Jay!
We were both thrilled with our Easter goodies! Sam said "Oh" with everything!
Great Aunt Mary had Mickey saying some funny things, and he was pretending to eat my new Ben 10 character. We were all laughing pretty loud!
Both of us crashed on the way home. I held my new Lego set the whole way home.
Sunday, we did a little hunt at church. You can't see it, but I had my new Ben 10 guy in my Easter basket.
When we got home from church, it was time to look for our baskets from the Easter Bunny! Mine was behind the couch and I found it right away...too easy Easter Bunny!
We didn't get a picture of Sam finding his basket because he was not cooperating for that part. I ended up finding his basket and showing it to him. He started to get in a better mood at that point. Then it was time to go outside to find our eggs!
I got a Skylander that was sitting on my swing. Sam found that one first!
Easter night we dyed Easter eggs. Posing since Mommy made us take our shirts off :)
Sam was very serious about it...and fast. He wanted to dump one egg in and move on to the next.
I was a little more deliberate, but it still probably took us about 10 minutes to do the whole thing. Definitely a project that takes longer to prepare than do, but we both had fun!
Another quick Sam story that we want to remember is that 2 weeks ago for school, he was not happy when Daddy dropped him off. He spent most of the class sitting under the table and refused to participate in pretty much everything. Last week, he was just fine. He barely cried at drop off and did everything except paint (who knows why he wouldn't paint!). When he left, he ran back to the room and yelled to Sydney (the little girl in his class), "See you soon alligator!". (we can't get him to say later...typical Sam). He is going to do one more session of this intro class and then take the summer off and do 2 days a week during the school year.
Have a great week!
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