It's been awhile since I've updated the blog, and we've been up to quite a bit...but I actually haven't taken as many pictures lately.
This post goes back to the end of Christmas break.
They had a babysitting day at the High School pool. It was very busy, and Sam and Joey weren't sure what to think. It was a little deep for Sam, but he did a pretty good job entertaining himself. He started crying part way into it, but they took him to have some popcorn and then he perked up.
The Madison zoo had their first Zoo Lights so we had to go check it out. It was pretty cool. We got to ride the carousel too.
It was time to get rid of our gingerbread house so we took it outside to blast it with Nerf guns. It was a pretty strong house, and the Nerf darts didn't do much to it, but we had fun trying.
I had a challenge for my exercise class and had to take a creative picture planking so the boys and I did one all together.
I didn't get many pictures at the Hyland family Christmas, but I did catch this one of Sam and Madigan. They were coloring together for awhile.
We had to check out the snow pile that we visit every year.
Joey did the Pinewood Derby for the first time. The building of the car was a bit difficult and we had the wheels out of spec so it didn't go so well with racing it since we had to fix it. It was a very awesome looking car before the race though!
While Joey and John did that, Sam and I went indoor mini-golfing. We had fun checking out all of the different holes.
We've had some weird weather this winter. We had a couple warm weather weekends to play outside.
Maebel loves books, and Joey loves reading to her.
Maebel came to go to Sam's school fundraiser. Unfortunately, Sam was sick so he didn't get to go, but Maebel and Joey had a good time and they brought home some surprises for Sam.
I took the boys to their first Lego Building event at Toys R Us. We had to wait in line a while, but they seemed to enjoy it!
Another warm weekend meant a trip to the zoo.
The polar bear was walking right in front of the window and made the boys a bit nervous.
John and Joey were watching basketball so Sam and I went for ice cream.
This was the 2nd warm day of the weekend. Bike riding and a visit to Joey's school to play basketball and play on the toys.
Sam was snack helper, and G&G Hyland came along too!
The boys were all taking orders at the restaurant and loved playing with Grandma.
Grandpa liked talking with Lilly and Ella who were making cards.
The following weekend we went sledding. We had a BLAST! There wasn't a lot of snow, but the hill was fast.
The boys and I went to Family Lego Club at the library. We built a base with lots of characters. We will have to do this again!
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