2019 has gotten off to a good start!
Going back to Christmas break, we went to a Harlem Globetrotter game. We had a great time. The boys loved how silly it was.
Can you see the guy sitting on top of the hoop?
During break we also went up to the woods to do some trapping. Sam was incognito.
It was a chilly (but sunny) day...
The Hyland Christmas was great fun as always. Joey loved helping Linus.
Linus liked to pull hair. :)
My boss (Craig) gave me tickets to take Joey to a Badger basketball game. We were in the third row. It was amazing!!
For Scouts, we went on a winter hike. The boys had to be silly with the taxidermy.
The first real snow to be able to play in. We started off kind of slow but then winter really pounded us this year. Lots of opportunities to play in the snow and be very cold!
Just a normal outfit for Sam.
Joey needed to cook a meal over an open flame for Scouts so we did hot dogs in the fire place and an apple crisp in the dutch oven in the fireplace. The apple crisp got a little burnt on the outside but the inside was delicious!
Sam did basketball at the Y and loved it!! He will definitely be doing it again.
Sam made his own marshmallow man mask.
We went to Clown N Around at the boys' old preschool again. Linus and Maebel had a good time. Linus really enjoyed his pizza.
There was a Family Fun Day at CHUMS that we went to after Scouting for Food. The boys tried Hungry Hungry Hippos, lifesize edition.
They had to do the photo booth. Brecken (Cohen's brother), Sam, Alex, Joey and Cohen
Sam has not ridden in the shopping cart for a long time. This day he and Joey decided it was necessary and Joey pushed him. He did still fit, but barely!
After years of telling the boys we would go, I finally took them to Monkey Joe's in Waukesha. We probably should have gone when they were younger (especially for Joey), but they had a good time. They loved that Maebel and Linus met us there.
Spring is here now so we will have more pictures!
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