These pictures came in out of order, but for the sake of time, we are just going to go with it!
Linus turned 5! He had a bouncy house at his party, which proved to be a good time.
Grandma's friend made a pinata for the party, and it was so cute! Joey and Sam had fun holding it for each other and messing around with it going up and down.
Linus is very into light sabers (or life savers) as he calls them.
The boys got to do a flying event where they went up in a plane. Joey had done this a few years ago, but Sam was too young at that time so they both got to do it this time and go in the same plane.
Sam loves wrapping up in a blanket. Sometimes it's just too comfy and he has to fall asleep.
For Easter, Sam helped make the cake. He was in charge of decorating it.
Easter picture with the Grandparents...Sam always has to be silly in these!
Finding their baskets from the Easter bunny...
Sam had me take "Slithy" to work with me one day so I put him to work. He did a great job answering phone calls.
He also did some typing.
We went turkey hunting scouting early one morning. Can you see Slithy in this picture?
Joey had a band concert at the High School with all the bands together. It was huge!
Joey had lots of fun with youth group over the school year. I think they were making unleavened bread here. I got to help out, and the Middle Schoolers were a lot of fun!
Practicing at the Y one day over spring break...
We went to a Bucks game during Spring Break. We had a great time, and the Bucks beat the Bulls!
Sam did a wellness challenge and got some free swag, like the sunglasses above.
Grandpa Rikli had never been to a game before so he came with us. It was COLD as we were waiting for the doors to open!
We spent a couple days in the woods helping Dad get stuff ready.
The boys did Tri Star Basketball and both won for their age group (but they were the only ones for their age groups :)). This was Joey's last year, but Sam can do it again next year.
Basketball season went on quite awhile this year. Joey got to join the "A" team at the end of the year since his team's season ended. He improved a lot over the season, and unfortunately, they didn't win many with the "A" team, but it was good experience.
Sam finished his season too. He had a great time, and was thrilled that his team won 2nd at a couple of the tournaments.
We met Julie, Jared, Elijah and Rosalie at Urban Air in Madison one Sunday afternoon. The kids all had so much fun. There was lots to do!
Slithy and Grover came to watch one of Joey's tournaments. We think Joey made this shot.
Slithy had to come watch Sam play too and not just Joey!
We had a snow day at Youth Group and played some fun snow games, but I think the favorite was throwing snowballs at each other.
Joey doing the tipoff!
Sam loved when he could find his own little spot at the games. He watched a lot of them, but it got to be a bit much for him!
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