Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sledding? Maybe in 2015!

This past Sunday, the temperatures were above freezing so we were determined to try sledding again. We went to a smaller hill this time AND took Daddy, but Sam and I were still not digging the steep hill. Apparently, G&G Hyland's is the only hill we like :)  I went down with Daddy once, but you can see the snow spray in this picture that hit my face so I was done after one time.

Sam was walking around talking about a turkey that we saw on the ride there. He wouldn't go down the steep hill even once!

The other side of the hill was less steep so I went down that one by myself.

Daddy and I raced down. Look out for the tree, Daddy!

Daddy convinced Sam to go with him down a smaller hill. Sam had fun on that one.

Then we were done sledding and it was on to playing on the park toys.

They have a little "island" at this park too so we hiked around that, and I climbed this steep hill! Sam tried too, but he didn't quite make it.

Monday, Sam had his 2nd day of "school". I got to go along to drop off since I didn't have school for the holiday. Daddy warned me that Sam would cry when we left him, which he did. I was not liking that, and I had tears in my eyes when Daddy and I got back to the truck. I don't like to see my little brother unhappy. Sam made it through the 2 hours though and the teachers said he goes in phases of playing and participating and then bursting into tears for a little bit. For a boy who has only been around family and not been in a daycare setting, he is doing pretty well though. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sam in school and MORE snow!

Sam has had some big events in the past week. Monday, he started "school". He goes to the Y or the HAWhy as I say it for 2 hours one day a week. The first day, he cried when Daddy dropped him off (which was expected), but he calmed down after about 5 minutes the teacher said. While Daddy was dropping him off, he escaped out of the room and kept yelling, "go, Daddy, go drive!". When Daddy and I went to pick him up, Sam started crying again, and I hauled him over the baby gate to rescue him. I get very worried and concerned about Sam. Sam also started saying Joey this week. Originally when he said my name, it was Gee-Gee, then it went to Jay-Jay and now finally Joey. 

Here is Sam eating oatmeal with Bob the Builder. 

Daddy took school pictures of Sam. He was very proud of his backpack!

We have been getting so much snow this winter. Sam and I love it! Mommy took us out to shovel after supper one night, and we were having great fun playing while the snow kept coming down.

Look at the rosy cheeks!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy 2014!

We have been slowing down a bit and trying to do some things around the house. Sam was helping with this project...

Mommy loves the new shirt I got so she took a picture of me posing...

We have been working on potty training a little bit with Sam. He can go #1 really well on the potty, but since he is the opposite of me in most everything, he won't go #2 on the potty so it was getting a little (lot) messy with wearing underwear. We're still trying though!

We had the Hyland Family Christmas this past weekend. It will be very nice when Sam can be trusted to play with the other kids. He did have a lot of fun playing at Madigan and Teagan's house!

Taking a break from the playing on Daddy's lap.

Here is Sam showing Uncle Jay the "tot game" on the Kindle.

Sunday morning, the first thing I had to do when I got up was work on putting together my new Star Wars legos. I had a great time!

It's been so cold this week that I haven't had school Monday or Tuesday and Sam, Daddy and I haven't left the house at all. Tomorrow I am back to school, and hopefully this weekend it will be nice enough to do some sledding! Happy New Year!